up to no good...

Have I mentioned what a great time I have working with Jami from Jami Carlson Photography? We always have the *best* weddings.

a much needed vacation

This past weekend my family and I road-tripped to Charlevoix, Michigan for the 80th annual Venetian Festival. We spent time with family, hung out on the beach and went sailing. I was so relaxed and sun-baked - I didn't want to leave. Here is Kit - my oldest daughter - doing a great imitation of the Little Mermaid.

No rest for the photographer!

The last month and a half have been so busy. I've been working with Jami Carlson Photography as a second shooter and we've been doing a wedding every other weekend. Working hard but having a blast! Jami is so much fun to work with and every time we're together I learn something new.  Her images are aMAHzing. Here are two of mine from the last two weddings.

I had a wonderful time with Stanley and his parents at Linden Park in Birmingham yesterday morning. Stanley was so happy and good natured, he was a wonderful subject. And those toes! So cute.

Amy and Alex

I had a great time working with Amy and Alex and helping document their beautiful wedding day. Am I so happy to finally be done editing and able to share some of the photos.

I think this one speaks for itself.

It's hard work being in a wedding. 

Welcome to my new photo blog!

I'm setting up this new photo blog as a way to keep in touch with my clients. Check here for news on my latest sessions, special pricing and all my newest work. Thanks!